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at 8700 feet elevation of the
Valles Caldera in the Jemez
Mountains of North Central New
Mexico, looking west from the Valle Grande
Trail on August 25, 2003. The trail head is on the north side of
NM-4 near mile
marker 43, just west of the border between the Preserve and Bandelier
National Monument. Park in the paved lot (at the sign that says
"Entering Bandelier National Monument") on the south side of the
highway and carefully cross over to the trail head. This
view is near the terminus of the one mile hike, as the view begins to
reveal the vast expanse of the caldera, where herds of elk gather as
fall approaches. Note domes where molten
lava welled up within the huge crater. The largest dome, in the
left background is Redondo Peak, 11,254 feet elevation. Blue
Grouse and Northern
Goshawk may be found
in the forest that borders the open area. We saw Lewis's
Woodpecker and Clark's
Nutcrackers (both named after the famed explorers) , Red Crossbills,
Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets,
and a host of fall warblers. The shaded rock pile in the right
foreground holds pools of rain water and provides natural "bird
baths." Above, right: Lewis's
Woodpecker (a bit fuzzy at 180x magnification) through Kowa
scope zoomed to 60x and Canon A40 at 3x.
on thumbnail for
full screen view of woodpecker.