Eagles usually have a strong attachment to their nests, especially when
they contain eggs or chicks. However, there are certain periods during
their life cycle when disturbances may cause abandonment or
injury. Although we are particularly concerned about human
interference, predators such as crows and raccoons may eat their eggs
and small chicks, and Great Horned Owls may take over an eagle's nest
or kill the chicks.
Eagles may be driven away if disturbed during the nest building and refurbishing period, which occurs from late October through early December for our South Florida eagles. Once the eggs are laid, usually in mid-December, the pair takes turns incubating them and will be quite protective. However, they have been known to abandon a nest even after the eggs are laid if there is continuous unusual harassment. When the eggs hatch, usually in mid-January, Bald Eagle parents are particularly faithful and persistent in caring for their brood, often despite hardships of many kinds. There are usually two chicks, and the greatest danger is faced by the younger chick. Since the eggs are incubated immediately after they are deposited, the youngsters hatch out a few days apart. They grow so rapidly that even a three day interval gives the first hatchling a size and strength advantage over its younger sibling. The big baby aggressively begs to be fed first, and the younger bird may become malnourished if food is not plentiful, and starve to death or be killed and even eaten by its sibling. The older nest-mate often bullies the smaller chick, and may push it out of the nest, which means certain death, even if it survives the fall. Adult eagles, with their huge wing spans, may have trouble flying down to tend to it, and predators, such as foxes, bobcats and raccoons, that often visit the bottom of the tree looking for leftovers would make a quick meal of a fallen bird. However, if and when the eaglets reach about 10 weeks of age, they enter a particularly dangerous time in their life cycle, as they sharpen their flight skills. They flap their wings and jump for hours at a time, climb out on the nest tree limbs and become airborne for a few seconds. While this behavior is essential for them to learn flight skills, it exposes them to the risk of falling to the ground before they are ready to fly freely. If not injured, they usually are able to climb up on the branches of nearby trees and even make their way back to the nest, or succeed in obtaining food from the parents. Once out of the nest, if they survive their first flight, they face new dangers, particularly vehicle collisions and power lines. Roadkill makes an easy meal for the inexperienced youngsters. For the welfare of the eagle chicks, it will be important to have informed eagle watchers present as much of the time as possible. Particularly interesting will be for us to document when these chicks stop returning to the nest to feed and to sleep. We assumed that they would be gone by early May, but they actually kept returning to the nest to be fed, until early June (A report that details some key events in the 2008-2009 breeding season may be accessed here-- PDF Format). While 100% coverage by observers may not be necessary, we hope many of you are able to return regularly to stand watch. To help coordinate efforts and spread out coverage as much as possible, you may choose to use the FORUM on this Web page, and enter the days and times you may be able to stand watch. Of course, report your observations, even if you see no adults or chicks at all during a period of time. Eagle watchers should be vigilant, ready to report any eaglet that appears to be injured. Call Brian Mealey, the wildlife biologist who can assist in the evaluation process and make recommendations / suggestions. His number is 305-975-0200. Or, notify the Florida FWC Wildlife Alert Number: Call 888-404-FWCC (888-404-3922). Cellular phone users, call *FWC or #FWC. No one may enter the posted area around the nest without Florida FWC permission! Trespassers are subject to arrest by local police, as well as stiff fines under state and federal law for disturbing or touching a wild Bald Eagle. If it is necessary for someone with FWC clearance to access the area near the nest to evaluate the condition of the eaglet, please advise Shawn Denton, Director of Public Works at (Office) 954-437-1111 or (Cell) 954- 538-3644. UNDER
SLIDESHOWS (Click on images below to start shows; select full screen views) |
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Ken's Eagle Photos © 2009 | Ian Eisenberg's Eagle Photos © 2009 | Robert Goldman's Eagle Photos © 2009 |
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Martinez Slideshow ©
Mike Fossler Slideshow © 2009 |
...........................................................![]() FEB 22: Adult Bald Eagle soaring over nest tree. ![]() FEB 22: The oldest eaglet, on left, is 5 weeks old today. ![]() Feb 15: Adult roosting (click on images for larger views) ![]() Feb 15: Chicks interacting. The larger, on the left, is 4 weeks old today. ![]() Feb 13: The second chick is now big and strong enough to look over the edge of the nest. ![]() Feb 12: Eagle standing guard ![]() Feb 12: Eaglet in nest with parent ![]() Feb 9: The larger eaglet looks over the edge of the nest (click on photos for larger images) ![]() Feb 9: The eaglet flapped its wings several times. ![]() Feb 8: The beaks of two eaglets are visible in this photo. The oldest is three weeks old. Click on it to see a larger annotated image that points out the beaks. Note that the older chick's bill is almost as big as that of the adult. ![]() Feb 8: This is a fuzzy shot of the larger chick, now three weeks old. ![]() Feb 7: Adult is sheltering chick(s) against wind and rain. ![]() Feb 6: Chick is sitting up as parent preens. Click on photo for larger, annotated views. ![]() Feb 4: Head of chick is visible as parent tears at prey (click on above photo for larger, annotated view). ![]() Jan 30: It was quite foggy, and the adult sat close. ![]() Jan 30: This eagle roosted near the nest, drying its outstretched wings. ![]() Jan 30: It was one wet eagle! ![]() Jan 30: Eagle feeding chick(s) in nest. ![]() Jan 27: Eagle sitting high on the nest, the first day we saw one of the eaglets. |
from 2008-2009 Breeding Season
UPDATES ARE NOW POSTED ON KEN'S BLOG FOLLOW THESE LINKS: Subscribe to Ken's Blog (RSS) ![]() June 9: Nelson Lake Bald Eagle Flashback![]() May 31: Never Eat Anything Bigger Than Your Head![]() May 22: Back in Florida!![]() April 28: Finding Spring in Illinois![]() April 19: Mob Attacks Eagles!![]() April 17: Exceeding my Bird RDA with a baby Killdeer![]() ![]() April 12: “Chuck Wagon” for Bald Eaglets![]() April 9: Hope and Justice reunited on nest![]() April 7: Justice falls, and Hope soars![]() April 5: Searching for Hope, and her return![]() March 29: Sibling Rivalry![]() March 28: A Two Moccassin Saturday![]() March 25: Watching Eagle Size and Behavior![]() March 20: Eagle Science and Middle School Students![]() March 18: Beauty Despite the Doldrums![]() March 17: Needed: More Eyes on the Eagles![]() March 15: Meet Hope and Justice!![]() March 12: No Parking in Front of Eagle Nest![]() March 10: Eagle Nest Site Receives More Protection![]() March 8: Chow Time For Eagle Chicks![]() March 7: Eagles, Warblers and Butterflies![]() March 4: This Friday: Florida Audubon Presentation on Florida’s Eagles![]() March 2: Both Eagle Chicks Faring Well![]() March1: Observations By Volunteer Nest Watchers![]() Feb 28: Twenty-Something Questions About Bald Eagles,![]() Feb 26: Eagle Nest Territory Now Officially “Off Limits”![]() Feb 23: Pembroke Pines Eagles Attract Attention![]() Sunday, February 22, 2009: Media Blitz As a result of the controversy over the construction at the nest, which is now resolved to the benefit of the eagles, the media became involved. After all, over a hundred students have been engaged in the middle school science class study of the effects of traffic density on the birds' behavior. When the utility markers went up there was great anxiety, as no one knew what kind of construction was to occur riht in fron of the nest. Was it a huge utility project like a new sewer line? A sidewalk? As outlined here, despite the full cooperation of local, county and state officials, it took over a week to find out. In the meantime, some local people wanted to picket the site in protest. Cooler heads prevailed. We found out that the planned construction involved the Broward County School Board's installation of a badly-needed traffic signal. The Florida FWC intervened, and the school board ordered that any construction within 330 feet of the nest be postponed until after the eaglets fledge, which should be some time in late March or early April. It is no surprise that someone got the media involved during the controversy. It must have been a dull news week, as suddenly two television stations and the Miami Herald descended on the nest site. First, Channel 4 ran a short clip, but despite our request that they not publicize the location of the nest, they included a map of the site. Then the Miami Herald followed up yesterday morning with an interesting FRONT PAGE STORY which disclosed the "approximate" location. As expected, people flocked to the site, overwhelming the parking space along the road. Cars double parked and blocked traffic lanes. Police had to ask people to move along. Up to 50 cars and over 100 spectators were present at one time on Saturday afternoon. Today was much the same. Despite our fears that their presence might disturb the eagles, we found the visitors to be enthusiastic and usually cooperative. They expressed a high degree of interest and awe. The children enjoyed eye-popping views of the chicks through my spotting scope. The eagles went about their usual routine. The male usually roosted out on one of the melaluca stubs, and the female was often perched nearer the nest. At 5:30 PM, the chicks had their bedtime snack, which appeared to be a snake. This text message from a mother who visited was particularly touching: ...I
am truly blessed to have shared this experience with my children and
tell them how the american eagle was once on the verge of
extinction. but to have a nest so close to my home is even a
bigger blessing. I am in awe never in a lifetime did i think
would see what my eyes have seen. It is truly amazing I drive by the
nest everyday 2-3x a day looking in curiousity on my way to
i hope this land is now protected. so the eagles can thrive
in broward county. if there is anything i can do to help
the eagles family new home i would love to join in the conservation
efforts. one of the most beautiful images i will ever see is now
forever in my memory and now my children! they will remember
these moments for the rest of their lives! thank you for this
site and your ongoing efforts sincerely...
![]() ![]() Media representatives were present at the nest viewing area this morning, and saw the two chicks being fed. Look for an upcoming feature in the Miami Herald. This led me to reflect upon the effects and possible benefits of the increasing public knowledge of our local Bald Eagle nest. See: Should Eagle Nest Locations Be Disclosed? Monday, February 16, 2009: Good News Many
of you eagle watchers have met Jesus Hoyos, one of the 7th Grade
Science students from Silver Trail Middle School. We just learned that
this week he won first place in his category (beating out over 50 other
entries) in the Broward County Science Fair and will move up to the
state competition in April. His project was none other than the Bald
Eagles of Pembroke Pines. With input from several work groups in the
120 student class, Jesus assembled the tally sheet that is used in the
study of the effects of traffic density on the behavior of the eagles
at the nest. Congratulations, Jesus, and we wish you the best of luck
in the Florida State finals! The Broward County Audubon Society also
awarded a prize. He will be honored on March 24 at the Broward County
Science Fair Awards Ceremony,at New River Middle School in Fort
February 15: Chicks are 4 weeks oldThe day turned windy, and I arrived at the nest around 11 AM, just after the chicks had been fed. Only got a glimpse of the larger chick, but others saw both in the nest earlier in the morning. Note Ian Eisenberg's excellent slide show of the eagles, at the top of the left panel. Click for some fantastic shots of the chicks being fed. Construction should wrap up today, to resume after the chicks fledge, probably in early April. The
oldest chick is 4 weeks old today, having hatched either the afternoon
of January 17 or the morning of the 18th. The first egg was laid
December 13th, 2008. Both of these dates were based upon changes of the
behavior of the pair at the nest. For the same reasons, we also
believed that the second egg was laid on December 18, and we noted that
the adults appeared to stop continuous incubation on January 22, five
days after the first egg hatched.
This morning there was quite a large crowd of observers and photographers. The chicks interacted in a mildly hostile or competitive manner, but there was no wing flapping or wrestling. They may have been hungry, as the fog had just lifted and no prey was brought in during the hour we watched the nest. Fog had just lifted, and morning condensation from the foliage usually drenches the birds. The adult male (distinguished from its mate by its smaller size and darker plumage) spent most of the time drying its feathers at its roost in the dead melaleuca stand to the west of the nest. The above slide show contains all of my Flickr nest photos, arranged with the latest ones first. Please remember to park cars well off the roadway and keep activity to a minimum, as the birds seem to pay more attention to human activity than to vehicular traffic. The contractor is limiting construction to the area over 330 feet from the nest, but feels at risk of some liability if the chicks desert the nest. Please respond politely to any requests to limit activities or crowd size. Ian Eisenberg was taking photos at the nest this morning, and has some wonderful photos of the eagles; his views of the chicks being fed are fabulous! He has permitted us to to view this slideshow (Click here). Saturday, February 14, 2009 You may enjoy viewing this link to a site with a
camera set on a bald eagle's nest at Carolina Raptor
Center, Huntersville, North Carolina. (From Ron Clark, forwarded by
Barbara Walker):
The eagle is Savannah, a non-releasable bird. She is on the display trail at CRC, but the nest is blocked from view to the public. She is sitting on two eggs, which we hope are viable. If so, the chicks will hatch in about 2 1/2 weeks. This is the 4th year since the first captive bald eagles in the state were born. Those two were radio-collared and released. One was tracked as far as the St. Lawrence Seaway. The second year, unfortunately, the eaglets did not survive a massive rainstorm one night. The nest was on the ground. Notice the raised platform in the picture, so hopefully that won't happen again. Last year, one died, but the other was released. Soon, we'll know how this nest turns out. Friday, February 13, 2009 Both
eaglets were standing up high in the nest. The smaller one is about 5
days behind the other in its development, which agrees with our
conclusion, based upon the behavior of the pair, that the first egg was
laid about December 13 and the second around the 18th.
dates were most likely January 17 and 22. See today's Blog
about an interesting habit of Bald Eagles: they bring fresh green
leaves to the nest after the young hatch. Why do they do this?
Thursday, February 12, 2009: Eagle Nest on Local TV Timothy
McCoy, who works with Traffic Control Devices, the contractor
installing the traffic light at 209th and Pines, is now monitoring the
eagle nest construction procedures to assure that the 330 foot limit is
observed and the eagles are not being subjected to unusual disturbance.
He is having the workers take such steps as reducing the idle speed of
machinery, and substituting hand labor for mechanized equipment when
feasible. This is a grave responsibility, as the company would be at
risk if their activities are determined to cause harm to the eagles. If
the company believed that the eagles were being unduly disturbed during
their work, they would have the option of cordoning off the entire
easement at the construction site, which would include the eagle
observation area. Interestingly, the eagles were
still roosting peacefully in the melaleuca snags to the west
the nest while excavation was in progress, only about 150 to
feet away.
morning, Tim also noted that one of my photos of the eagle pair
touching bills formed a perfect heart. Therefore, I filled in the space
between them and designed this Valentines greeting for everyone. Eagle
lovers, feel free to copy it. Thanks for the idea, Tim!![]() Tim McCoy was interviewed about the eagles in this clip from last evening's news. Tuesday, February 10, 2009: CONSTRUCTION HALTED Good
news for all friends of the Bald Eagles of Pembroke Pines! The The
Environmental Department representative from the Broward
School Board "fully supports" the recommendation of the FWC to suspend
all construction within 330 feet of the eagle nest, until the
chicks fledge, probably in April. We commend the School Board for
acting responsibly! This is not the end of the story, as we must
realize that under the Bald Eagle Management Guidelines, ALL unusual
disturbance is also prohibited inside the 330 foot boundary.
includes the activities of eagle watchers, who must use utmost caution
to avoid frightening the birds. Within the next month, the eaglets will
reach a critical time when they are more apt to be injured or killed,
as they begin to climb out of the nest and test their wings. If
frightened, they may fall from the tree. Lacking full powers of flight,
they may fall to the ground and, even if they survive the fall, and
risk being killed by a predator, or abandoned by their parents. The
normal vantage point
for viewing or photographing the nest is only 205 feet from
nest. While it is true that pedestrians commonly pass back and forth on
the grassy swale at even less distance, and the birds have accomodated
the presence of humans at this distance, the FWC has reminded all of
their responsibilty to observe the 330 foot limitation. More at this link
on the 'History" page.
Monday, February 9, 2009 The
older chick was very active this morning, stretching its neck to look
out at the traffic. Our four year old granddaughter was thrilled to see
the little fuzzy head pop up as she looked at the nest through a
spotting scope. This time I got better images of the eaglet.
![]() ![]() Sunday, February 8, 2009: Two Chicks! There
were many eagle watchers out this weekend. Two healthy-looking chicks
were readily visible this morning, and some excellent photos and videos
were obtained (though not by me, as my camera malfunctioned,
and I
got only two fuzzy images, seen in the left panel-- note how large a
beak the oldest chick has ). The Middle School students are
conducting their 7th grade science class project, observing the birds
at regular intervals.. About 120 of them are expressing some agitation
about what and when the construction in front of the nest will occur.
I do feel confident that the people from FWS have provided the contractor with plenty of information and cautions, and they promised to keep us all informed about the status of the School Board eagle permit for the work that occurs more than 330 feet from the nest, if they decided to apply, and whether they will delay construction for a few weeks until the chicks fledge. FWS guidelines prohibit ANY unusual disturbance within 330 feet during nesting season, so if the School Board decides to do work in front of the nest without a permit, it would be accepting the risk of incurring serious penalties if it causes the birds to abandon the nest. So far we have not gotten official word from FWS or the School Board, so we have asked again about what is happening. I hate to see the kids get so worried if, indeed, there is no construction imminent. Aside from their worry about not being able to continue their observations when work is being done on the shoulder, they have a genuine concern about the safety of the chicks. If the School Board does intend to go ahead despite FWS advice, can they provide any assurances that disturbance within 330 feet of the nest will be minimal and brief, and that the ability of the students to complete their class project will not be jeopardized? Saturday, February 7, 2009 ![]() Friday, February 6, 2009 The
eaglet is stronger, holding its head up above the rim of thenest more
frequently. I am not sure, but I think I saw movement to the left of
the chick pictured here, suggesting at least one other is present.
Still waiting to hear about whether the Broward School Board
intends to proceed with construction only 200 feet from the nest. FWC
has recommended that they delay excavation until the eaglets fledge,
probably in late April or early May, if they survive.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 This
afternoon I was able to get a photo of an
eaglet reaching up as it was being fed. Had better looks
the binoculars, but, at the left, you can see the
down and a bit of the dark area around its eyes. It engaged in a
tug-of-war with its parent over a the bloody viscera of a prey item.
![]() ![]() See notes about the status
of construction at the nest site
Tuesday, February 3, 2009: First Eaglet is 17 days old ![]() Friday, January 30, 2009: Wet eagles There
was dense fog when we arrived at the nest around 8:30 AM. One adult was
standing guard atop a melaleuca snag to the west of the nest
tree, wings extended. It may have had prey in its talons, but
could not tell for sure. The other was sitting rather close. Both were
obviously very wet. It had not rained, but condensation had collected
on the pine needles and it almost looked like it was raining under its
the branches.
After about 10 minutes of sitting patiently, the bird on the nest suddenly got up and flew over to the roosting bird, calling. The other bird took flight, and they continued chirping to each other. One then flew directly back to the nest. I could not see whether it brought a prey item in, but it obviously began tearing at some kind of carcass and then spent quite a bit of time feeding the eaglet(s), which remained invisible. While the adult was pecking at the prey, emergency vehicles came by, their sirens screeching. The eagle did not change its behavior at all, an indication that it was quite well-adapted to such a disturbance. After it finished feeding the young, it settled back and brooded them until we departed around 9:15. My photos were of poor quality, due to the fog and the fact that I did not compensate for the poor lighting. Tuesday, January 27, 2009: Eaglet visible in nest This morning we watched the nest for 50 minutes. The first eaglet is now 11 days old. Several times, we saw the eaglet's head bobbing part-way up, visible through the tangle of sticks . Here are side-by-side photos for comparison-- visit for larger views. The firsrt shows the rounded white head of the chick, against the dark background of the tree trunk. The second, from the same location a few seconds later, shows that the eaglet's head has disappeared. ![]() ![]() Monday, January 26, 2009 We
have learned from Scott Brunner, P.E., the Broward County Signal
Operations Engineer, that the signal at Pines Boulevard and
Avenue is not being installed by Broward County, but by the Broward
County School District and their consultants/contractors through a
Florida Department of Transportation permit. The FWC has
valuable cautions and advice to the contractor, and will be following
events closely. The excavation may not involve the shoulder
of the road in front of the eagle nest. See the full story at
this link.
Thursday, January 22, 2009 ![]() Wednesday, January 21, 2009 After
quite a bit of "digging," we discovered that the excavation planned for
the area just in front of the "Eagle Forest" involves the
installation of a traffic signal. The work is being done by the Broward
County Traffic Engineering Division. They appear not to have obtained a
permit from the Florida FWC, as is required for any construction within
660 feet of an active Bald Eagle nest. We have appealed to the FWC to
enforce the State and Federal regulations, and hope that the
construction will be deferred until the eaglets are fledged and flying
free, which should be in early May. See today's Blog
for more information and updates.
Monday, January 19, 2008 (Click on thumbnails for larger images) ![]() ![]() Right: This afternoon, the eagles were very active. When we arrived around 4:00 PM, the brooding adult got up several times and put its head down into the nest cup. Right: The second adult arrived with a large ![]() the nest area, suggesting that the eagle may have pirated it from the smaller raptor. ![]() Left: The arriving bird tore at the prey and appeared to remove small morsels, which it transferred to the brooding bird. The latter then appeared to feed the nestling.We could not actually see the eaglet from the ground. ![]() There were several eagle watchers present, including some of the middle school science class students who are participating in the eagle research project. Good news: the project is one of four in the School District designated to receive a Department of Education grant to support additional research, which may include satellite tracking of an eaglet if any survive to fledge. Sunday, January 18, 2009: Eaglet Appears To Have Hatched! ![]() ![]() 8:40
AM: (Right) After about a half hour, its mate
appeared. We
expected them to exchange incubation duties as has been observed
several times in the past.
![]() ![]() 8:50
AM (Right) The bird that had been incubating did not depart. Instead,
it seemed to be picking at something hidden within the nest cup. After
the two had been together for about ten minutes, the other bird flew
off without displacing the incubating bird. This behavior suggests that
one of the eggs has hatched since yesterday.
Much has transpired since my last note. On the evening of January 16th, Kelly Smith noted that flags marking underground utilities had been placed along Pines Boulevard the entire length of the block, right in front of the "Eagle Forest." This usually means that some kind of construction is imminent. Since this is a long weekend, we may not be able to find out until Tuesday exactly what is planned. Since the flags are only about 200 feet from the nest, and the chicks will be especially vulnerable to disturbance at this time, we are alarmed and will ask the City of Pembroke Pines to defer any non-emergency construction until after the end of the breeding season, which should be early May. Follow events concerning this new threat in Ken's Blog. January 16, 2009 See
my note below in the "Comments" forum. Watched nest for almost an hour
this morning. One eagle roosting nearby flew away when we arrived at
7:00 AM. Could not see the eagle in the nest until it raised
head and looked out between the branches at the left side of the rim of
the nest. Today is the 34th day of incubation, if we correctly timed
the laying of the first egg. Maybe tomorrow!
January 14, 2009-- 32nd Day of Incubation See Kelly
Smith's note below in the "Comments" Forum. We must now be alert for
behavioral signs that the first
![]() January 9, 2009 At
around 7:45 there was one adult sitting very low in the nest. This is
day #27 since the first egg was laid. We can hope that the first egg
will hatch in about one week.
December 23, 2008 ![]() ![]() Its mate was not visible in the vicinity of the nest. My December 13th photograph of the nest (shown below) caused me some concern, as the right side of the structure appeared to show some disruption, which I thought might have been due to the heavy winds that accompanied a cold front on the previous day. Comparing the two photos, there appears to be no obvious change over the 10 day period, possibly a hopeful sign that the nest was not seriously damaged. Click on the images for larger views. December 17, 2008: Incubating Eagles Swap Duties The
eagles are definitely incubation their egg(s), as a bird is on the nest
all the time. Today, Kelly Smith said that she witnessed a "changing of
the guard" this morning, and added aninteresting observation about
their behavior: "Just as I was about to leave, an eagle flew in to the
nest and just as quickly the occupant hopped up and flew off.
took only a few moments for the relief eagle to settle into the nest
and disappear below the rim. A funny thing happened with the
other eagle. It had flown to the tree nearby that they
perch on. Several times it put its head down and looked just
it does when it is looking down into the nest. It was a
stance that I have not seen them exhibit other than when they were
actually in the nest. Hmmm... some innate behavior?"
December 13: Eagles Appear to be Incubating Egg(s) ![]() December 11, 2008: Time to Lay Eggs Approaching This morning, at around 7:30, both of the eagles were on the nest. One took off, leaving the other partially hidden within the nest. After a few minutes, the other flew away. Within 10 minutes, we saw both eagles flying across Pines Boulevard to the northwest, where they circled low and dropped out of sight. Very soon, one returned to the nest carrying a large branch in its talons, followed within 30 seconds by the other, carrying a smaller stick. The eagle to the left in this photo worked on the nest while the other appeared to be standing on guard. Then they touched bills and sat together for 5 minutes or so, before the one on the right flew off. The other remained nearly out of sight for another 15 minutes, until we departed. If the birds follow last year's schedule, their eggs should be deposited within the next few days. Eagles are known to be most sensitive to disturbance during the nesting period, especially when incubating the eggs and rearing their young. These birds nested successfully last season despite the proximity of their nest site to housing subdivisions, the busy road, the presence of a construction staging site within about 300 yards, and a shooting range within earshot. This year they face the potential for additional disturbance, as West Broward High School has opened, and at rush hour there are officers directing traffic and police cars with lights stationed at about the same distance from the nest. Additionally, since more people now know about the nest, there are often observers watching through binoculars and photographers, stationed about 100 yards from the nest. |
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December 5, 2008: Eagle
Researcher Meets With Students
the Middle School students who will conduct the eagle observations were
treated to a talk by Brian K. Mealey, who heads the Institute of
Wildlife Sciences,
and conducts wildlife research in Everglades National Park (ENP). One
of his particular interests is the migratory dispersal of Bald Eagles
in South Florida. He described his program of banding and satellite
tracking of newly fledged eagles. On his Web site, it is
to track the daily movements of "Birdie," a young eagle who hatched out
in Port St. Lucie, from her first practice flights, in early April, to
her return to Florida, in October, after migrating to Maryland
the summer. Track
"Birdie's" wanderings at this link.
The eagles of Central Florida are known to fly to points far to the north, soon after becoming independent of their parents. During early summer into late fall, they commonly congregate in the Chesapeake Bay area in Maryland. Interestingly, Brian's studies have revealed that birds from the southern tip of Florida almost always stay in Florida. If the Pembroke Pines pair are successful in fledging one or two eaglets, Brian hopes to be able to equip them with satellite tracking transmitters. As this nest is in the territory between eagles that take long flights north, and the ENP birds that do not migrate outside Florida, tracking of any offspring may provide important information about the relationship between nesting sites and the location of migration ranges. The students showed great interest and had so many questions that Brian could surely have gone on for another hour. December 3, 2008: Eagles are Carrying Nest Materials! Kelly
Smith, 7th Grade Science Teacher at Silver Trail Middle School writes:
Just wanted to let you know....
2, 2008: Photo of Eagle on Nest, and a CautionI hadn't seen both eagles together for about a week, and was beginning to worry that something had happened to one. To my great relief I spotted both of them this morning and wasn't I happy to see them carrying branches to the nest and arranging them. They made about 4 trips in the 20 minutes I stopped by to watch. We seem to be right on track with last year's schedule. At 8:30 this morning, I pulled up to park at the usual observation point just to the south of the "End School Zone" sign. One eagle was immediately visible, on the nest. To retrieve my camera, I had to get out of the car and open the trunk. My movements were slow and I did not slam any doors. Yet the bird on the nest became alert and restless. As I was photographing it, from the other side of the auto, it stood up and then flew off. It had remained on the nest only about one minute from the time I got out of the car. The lesson I learned is to suggest that observers remain in their vehicle, using it as a blind, especially when eagles are at or near the nest. If the car is properly positioned, just on the south side of the "End School Zone" sign, with the post directly in line with the observer(s), it will not be necessary to get out of the car. Of course, in the future I will arrive with my camera inside the car! |
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